Wirbel um die Wirbel

Für zwei weitere Wochen stehen Christianes neue Etüden an.
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Läuft Wasser eigentlich immer rechtsdrehend in einer Badewanne ab oder linksdrehend?
Und ist das Ergebnis abhängig davon, wo auf der Erde die besagte Badewanne steht? Bildet der jeweilige Standort also ein derartiges Korsett?

Darüber, über diese Frage, dampften schon manche Gehirne von Gelehrten bis tief in die Nacht.

Dabei ist alles ganz einfach, wie etwa dieser Artikel zeigt.

27 thoughts on “Wirbel um die Wirbel

    1. Dear Paul, I’m sure you mean the title photo.
      One should knit a little story in which the words corset, steam and clockwise appear.
      I haven’t written anything about eroticism yet. More about a corset as a form of gagging and constriction in everyday life.
      Have a nice day!

      Liked by 1 person

          1. Everything really, but in Australia there’s been a public furore over Federal govt not dealing with sexual allegations, women not being heard, and if it wasn’t for very good state governments the fed govt would have stuffed up Covid.


            1. Our government has not handled Covid well either.
              And as far as sexuality and abuse are concerned, the Catholic Church is very much under fire in our country. I could tell you stories about that. I myself did not suffer abuse, but two acquaintances did. The greater abuse, however, was physical violence to me and above all the constant dark threats of hell. That had a strong impact on me as a child. The biggest devil, however, was our Catholic priest.

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              1. Yes, the Catholic church under fire here too, we had what is known as a Royal Commission and the findings (which were of course fully anticipated) were horrific, but here several church denominations were culpable, but the Catholics the worst numerically. Yes, so sad that a supposed angel of light should in fact be the devil!!

                Liked by 1 person

  1. Na ja, wenn das alles so einfach ist, dann fehlt mir hier jetzt aber die Lösung.
    Sonst schnalle ich dir rechtsdrehend das Korsett um, damit du wie ein Stier dampfend durch die Pampa läufst 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Der Link zum Abschluss deiner Geschichte leitete mich zu neuen Erkenntnissen. Viele Dinge im Leben müssen wir dem Zufall überlassen. Tolle Geschichte, die du aus den drei Wörtern gemacht hast, Gerhard!

    Liked by 2 people

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